are very many purposes for starting this web site. As a Basketball
coach in last 18 years I had been searching for a Web Site like this,
where I can find a lot of useful informations about Basketball,
including history details, basic Basketball rules, about world leagues
and competitions, informations about National Federations, Tournaments,
Sport Agencies, etc.
Idea is to give you a lot of informations which can be used in
different ways. For educators (School teachers and coaches), here is
the place where you can find many informations to present to you
classes and teams. For professionals (coaches, players), place where
you can find sport agency to help you find a player/team. You will also
be informed about Basketball tournaments in your area. For young people
(pupils, players), place to learn about Basketball rules, about Famous
players, coaches, refeeres in "Hall of Fame" section. For students,
place where you can find material for your essays, seminars. For
Basketball teams, place to put Banner or links to your web page, and
help others to find a way to you. For people who owns other Basketball
related sites, join Banner or links exchange system. You can also
advertise your business on our site.
So, as you can see dear visitors, purpose to make
this Web site is to be interested to all groups, it doesn't matter how
old are you, what gender are you, where are you coming from.
Please, spread a word about this new project and help us to grow.
We would like to
invite all of you, journalists, basketball enthusiasts, fans, players,
coaches to write for us.
Since we are non-profit web site, we cannot pay for writings, but at
least we will promote your articles and writings. Every article will be
signed by writers name and we will publish additional requested
information about writers (e-mail address, contact phone, photo.).
At this moment we need writers to cover all main domestic leagues
around Europe, but World as well. Also, we need someone to cover all
happenings in EuroLeague, EuroCup, NLB League and NBA. Of course, all
other competitions are very welcome. You can also choose topics about
what you would like to write (specific teams, players, coaches,
tournaments). It is only important that all articles are written in
English language.
This is good opportunity to all young journalists, writers without big
experience to publish your articles and be seen by others.
If you are interested, please Contact Us.