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Home - Basketball concept

  Basketball concept

Basketball is to fight for a goal,

Basketball is to turn your head upside down to try and understand all the plays,

Basketball is to find different solutions…

Basketball is the might to defend,

Basketball is the power to attack,

Basketball is to have pleasure stealing a ball,

Basketball is to come nervous from school or work and relax the instant we pick up a ball,

Basketball is listening to your coach,

Basketball is finding ways of achieving success,

Basketball is to miss a basket and be upset,

Basketball is to try again and succeed,

Basketball is to miss a pass,

Basketball is that the next will lead to a basket,

Basketball is to not like a college off the court,

Basketball is to die for the same college on the court,

Basketball is to make your coach want to cry,

Basketball is to make your coach smile,

Basketball is to smile as a team,

Basketball is to cry as a team,

Basketball is to live as a team,

Basketball is to work, cheer and accomplish,

Basketball is union.

Basketball is sport… And all this is basketball…

Are you ready?

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