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Home - Steve Mergelsberg Coaching Philosophy

  Steve Mergelsberg Coaching Philosophy

steve mergelsbergSteve Mergelsberg is a success story at every level. Has coached on the high school, college and professional levels. Nevada State Championship Coach at Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, Nevada, accomplished collegiate coach at Rutgers University and the University of Manchester in Great Britain and has taken that success to the professional level coaching in the United States Basketball League, also known as the "league of opportunity" as many players went on to successful NBA careers, Atlantic Basketball Association and the Premier Basketball League (PBL) for the Dayton Air Strikers where he coached the league's number one draft pick, Tayloe Taylor. Coach Merk as he's known has worked with many high level euro league and NBA prospects and has written and published numerous articles in coaching journals about his Philosophy, the Triangle Offense and the Amoeba Defense. An expert on the Amoeba Defense as he learned personally from Jerry Tarkanian the legendary Hall of Fame coach at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Last season he coached in Costa Rica and Bolivia.

Steve Mergelsberg's Articles:
- November 7, 2009 - Developing a Coaching Philosophy
- November 15, 2009 - The Basketball Triangle Offensive
- November 24, 2009 - Amoeba Defense

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